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Lost Cat In Porthill
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People of Porthill and surrounding areas. Please check your garden sheds and garages. If you have elderly neighbors, kindly check their sheds and garages if they are unable to. We haven't heard her crying. It rained on Sunday, and she didn't come when called, which she usually does. Is she trapped? Tilly: 3-4 years old Short-haired, small cat Microchipped No collar Missing a tooth White paws Long whiskers Loves fish/wet food Has a V-shaped white marking on her neck, extending to her belly We have left our details with all local vets. Please contact us if you see her. Thank you for your help!
Viewed by: 531 visitors. Uploaded: 6 days ago
Published in: Stoke Sentinel, Leek Post & Times, Staffordshire Newsletter.
Published from: June 21, 2024.
Region: Porthill
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